Numb feet require extra attention
Like boiling a frog,
feet don’t usually get numb overnight.
They are the symptom of some other problem. Most commonly a result of Diabetic Neuropathy (diseased nerves from Diabetes), but also many other different kinds of neuropathies (there are many of them), the result of some types of Chemotherapy treatments, poor circulation of the lower extremities, low back problems or even mechanical compression.
Numb feet make the simple act of standing still a nearly impossible task, and falling a frequent event.
But more than that, further injuries to the feet can occur because pain is no longer an effective alarm system, therefore once minor injuries get noticed too late, when the whole body is already getting sick and the person is presenting with nausea, fever, weakness, foul smell, you name it.
Live a healthy lifestyle to prevent it in the first place, but if time is against you, protect your numb feet.